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The smart choice for landing page creation

The ultimate tool for boosting your lead generation game. Effortlessly create and optimize landing pages to skyrocket your ROI.

Everything you need

All-in-one platform

We give you everything you need to start managing your leads today!

AI Content Generator

Give us the name of your product and a description of it, and we will generate a lead page, complete with content for you.

Page Builder

Once your page has been created, you can edit it using our page builder.

Lead Management

When you get a lead, all the information for it will be available in your account.

Integration and automation tools

When you get a lead, you can use familiar integration platforms, such as Zapier, to create an automated workflow.

Custom Domains

Already own a domain? We can provide you with the DNS settings to forward your domain to your new landing page.


We provide you with analytics about your lead pages


Page Analytics

Our analytics for lead pages provides detailed insights into the performance of your lead pages. You can track key metrics such as page views, unique visitors, and referral sources, all in real-time. This information allows you to optimize your pages for maximum conversion, by identifying and addressing any bottlenecks in the user experience. With this feature, you'll have the data you need to make informed decisions about your lead generation strategy, and drive more qualified leads to your business.

Our metrics we collect are:

The number of people currenly viewing your page
The number of times your page has been viewed
The number of unique visitors that have viewed your page
The average time a person stays on your page
Product screenshot

Start your 14 day free trial!

Get a taste of the future of lead generation with our 14-day free trial. Sign up now and see how our AI-powered page builder can help you generate more leads and boost conversions.